Spec Work: Hangover Help Desk
Promotional Concept
Hangover Help Desk’s aim is to make tough days easier. Whether the customer is ordering for themselves or for someone who they know, Hangover Help Desk provides a one-stop shop for their wellness. The app and website also house content with hangover cures, hangover recipes, and articles debunking common hangover myths.
Initial delivery rollouts would feature primarily in the major cities in Wyoming, Nebraska, Nevada, Colorado, Vermont, New York, and California. While these states may seem like they were chosen by throwing darts at a map, several of them are considered to be some of the most hungover states in the country. This is based on the traffic around search terms such as: ‘hangover’, ‘how to cure a hangover quick’, and ‘wet socks hangover cure’ (the website will certainly have an article debunking that particular myth) (Postma, 2020).
The target audience is primarily Millennials. This age group is the most likely to order groceries through a digital device (Redman, 2020). A high percentage of both men and women (80% and 70% respectively) have admitted to showing up at work with a hangover. Because of this, ad materials will be diverse, showing a variety of people either hungover or aiding others that are hungover.
Campaign Strategy
The primary strategy for Hangover Help Desk’s campaign strategy will be through digital channels, including email marketing, Organic Social, Paid Search and Paid Social. The content for the site would be completed six months before the app is set to launch, providing content for Organic Social media posts, as well as bolstering ad quality scores for Paid Search and Paid Social ads. It would also allow time for press release and media outreach to begin.
Native Advertising & Organic Social
The Native Advertising aspect will preview the kind of content that will be on the website, including hangover recipes, the best movies to watch while hungover, and hangover cures that have fallen out of favor (read more here!). The sites targeted for this content are Buzzfeed, The Journiest, Popsugar, and Refinery29.
The Organic Social aspects of the campaign would highlight the on-site content, starting three months prior to the app’s release. It would tease premium content, such as the app’s newsletter and coupon codes. It would draw users to the site prior to the app’s launch, creating interest and leading them to shareable content. It would also promote the app’s pre-launch sign-up page.
Paid Search
The Paid Search aspects of the campaign will run through Google and Bing, with the budget skewed toward Google. Geotargeting will be used to focus on the area where the app is rolling out. The campaigns will target the terms the following terms using broad match:
Hangover cure
Hangover food
Hangover fic
Hangover myth
The campaign will also target the following terms using exact match:
Hangover cure
Hangover Food
Hangover kit
Quick hangover cure
Hangover Help Desk
Prior to the app’s release, it will also promote on-site content, such as Hangover Cures and Recipes.
Paid Social
The Paid Social aspects of the strategy will focus around Instagram and Pinterest, primarily centering around well-populated hashtags and categories such as drinks, recipes, and hangover cures. These ads would be targeted toward the 25-34 age group on Instagram, followed by the 18-24 age group, as those are the two largest age groups on that platform at 16.5% and 13.9% respectively (Iqbal, 2021). On Pinterest, the age group targeting would be identical, as Pinterest’s ad settings feature the same targeted break-outs. On that note, 34% of Pinterest’s users fall in the 18-29 age bracket; 35% fall into the 35-49% age bracket (Aslam, 2020).
The ads on both Instagram and Pinterest will alternate between Recipes, listicles the best hangover movies, and app download links using promotional images.
Beyond the digital piece of the strategy, Hangover Help Desk will reach out to publications in both the Technology and Cooking/Dining spaces. Hangover Help Desk will also reach out to local publications in order to highlight operators and teams working on Hangover Help Desk in the cities that it’s rolling out in.